Praise and Prison

"About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them." Acts 16:25

One of the commercials that I remember as a child is the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup commercial where two people accidentally bump into each other. One has chocolate and one has peanut butter and surprise - they find two great tastes that go great together. I submit to you that they are right, I love Reese's and yes chocolate & peanut butter are excellent together. In the book of Act's we find two things that shouldn't go together - praise and prison. Now praise is an incredible thing but prison, not so good.

In Acts 16 we find Paul and Silas in prison (verse 24). They are locked up, not for some great crime, but for sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We find them not merely locked up but the are chained up within the prison as well. Now for most of us we would be absolutely miserable. We would be crying out for release, justice, freedom. Our minds would be spinning thinking about what we were going to do. There is a good chance we would stir up the other prisoners with our complaints and cries for justice. Yet this is the furthest things from Paul and Silas.

Paul and Silas are chained up, in prison, singing and praising God. What? Yes, they are singing and praising God, finding joy in their imprisonment for the Gospel. They find that these two things, prison and praise, indeed go together for the glory of God. Their counter-cultural act causes not only the other prisoners to hear the gospel, but in the end the jailer and his entire family are saved. Why? Because instead of complaining about their condition and situation, they praised the LORD.

Today what is the situation you are facing? Have you ever considered praising God through the storms of life? Paul and Silas could have thrown a fit. They were Roman citizens and they were wrongly treated, yet they chose to pray & praise the LORD in the storm. Because of this others came to know just how great the LORD Christ Jesus truly is. Today I pray that we indeed bring Him praise, not only on the mountain tops, but even in the valleys as well. Believe me, suffering and praise are two things that go great together for His glory for it points to Him and where our faith & hope are in the storm!


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