The world is a very busy place.  It is full of noise, distraction, and competes for every moment of our time every moment of the day.  We are a busy people with something going on every second of the day.  We are hurried, harried, tired, ever moving, and getting busier by the moment.  Today's technology keeps us tightly knit to the world around us, we know at every moment who is happy, who is mad, who wished they were not at work, who wants to make something new, who is getting married, who just broke up, etc...  We can get calls, e-mails, texts, anywhere we go.  Truly finding a place of rest takes intentional focus.

This morning my wife called and asked me if I had ever noticed in Matthew 14:13 that prior to feeding the five thousand Jesus had withdrawn to a desolate place, a place of solitude.  She then prodded me further asking "Do we need to do this?  Do you need to do this?"  As a pastor and a lover of people this was a tough question, and one that required a response.  After much thought the answer is yes.  Believe me this is a difficult response because I am built to feed and feed off of people.  I love to be around others, but even Jesus made intentional efforts to find rest.

Finding time to get away from facebook, twitter, cell phones, instagram, e-mail, work phones - the noise of the world tends to clutter our thoughts and draw our focus off of Christ and on to self.  Over the past few weeks I have tried to be ever more intentional about the time I spend with the LORD.  I have posted several things today that stem from those moments.  I pray that you too find that time to get away from the business and spend quiet time with the LORD each and every day. 


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