"Watch your step, there are land mines out here..." The words echoed in the mind of the Army Private. He had to be mindful of each and every move he made because one wrong step could be disastrous. As Christians Christ calls out to us "Watch your step, there are land mines out here..." His call is to another type of land mine, the land mine of sin and destruction of our testimony. Christ knows that as we walk in him there is one who looks to tempt us and destroy our testimony before others. 

It is Satan's duty to "kill, steal, and destroy" (John 10:10). The desire of that serpent of old is to take our focus off of God and place it on ourselves, our circumstances, our situations, and keep us from focusing on Christ and our walk with him. This is the call of Christ to "watch your step... and be mindful of how we walk." Daily the danger exists of spiritual land mines and if we are not focused on Christ and walking with Him, the danger is stepping squarely on the landline of gossip, anger, hatred, racism, prejudice, pornography... When our focus is not on God, it is not on our walk with Him, and the unfortunate outcome is self focus and sin.

How are you walking today? 

"Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:15-16


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