Damaged Fruit
Damaged Fruit
Growing up in rural Shelby County Missouri meant spending lots of time on
the farm, one of my favorite places to be.
We had a farm just north of Shelbina that my dad called Beulah land and
it had a small fruit orchard on it. I loved
walking through and picking pears, apples, or plums then eating one after another. Nothing beat the taste of freshly picked
fruit off the tree. One of the worst
things though is picking a piece of fruit, taking a bite, then realizing it is
rotten due to worms or birds eating on it. We, the church, are to be
an orchard for the LORD. As we live out
in the community, or gather together, we are to bear good fruit that others
would know Christ. Matthew 12:33 says
“Either make the tree good and its fruit will be good, or make the tree bad;
for a tree is known by it’s fruit.” (CSB) When we live out gospel lives, we bear good
fruit as we live out the great commandment and the great commission. When we are striving to be like Christ our
fruit is fresh, crisp, and covered in the gospel.
The problem is that for
us we struggle with sin and sin is the greatest contaminant of good fruit. It is like the worm that works its way into
the apple, spoiling it from the inside out.
Sin is like the pear that was pecked by the birds and begins to rot and
deteriorate on the tree. Sin spoils good
fruit and damages the fruit. I wonder if
any of us are dealing with damaged fruit today? Perhaps in your life you
are struggling with sin, or maybe even beyond struggling, sampling accepting
it. Perhaps the sin of gossip,
backbiting, anger, jealousy, or bitterness has made your once good fruit less
than edible. We are warned to make both
the tree (our lives) and the fruit (what we produce both verbally and
physically) good. Perhaps it is time to
look inward and ask that question today?
I know in my own life the more I am seeking to bear good fruit I spot the bad easier. Sometimes I see it gradually, over time, and sometimes I see it immediatly, like a bad dream. Etiher way I am always saddened over my heart. I know that I must bear good fruit so that others would know Christ. One of the ways dad and I would ensure good fruit was to spray the
orchard a few times a year to protect the trees and the fruit. We took measures to ensure the fruit was good
as well as the tree through fertilization and attacking the bugs. We can do this as
well in our lives. It starts with repenting of the
sin that has made our fruit rotten, this is direct attack on the bugs. Then
we must spend time in the word and pray, we must fertilize and nourish our hearts.
Then we must GO and be gospel witnesses in
our communities and work places. Sharing
the good fruit of the gospel. I pray your are bearing good fruit but don't be disheartened if your struggling, turn and cling tightly to Christ today!
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