Where will have my funeral?

This Easter many people will head out to church services across America.  Many will make their first of two or so appearances in Church for some reason or another.  Many will come who have been out of the habit and many who are "testing" out a new church because they are unhappy with their present congregation (for whatever reason).  Many come because they have been invited to attend Easter services and they have never attended church or haven't in many years.  Whatever the reason they come and we are grateful for that on one hand but grieved on the other.  Happy to see the body come together but sad that Hebrews 10:25 (not forsaking the fellowship of believers) is only important a few times a year.  This week while sitting and talking with a precious saint I was given some unique insight regarding this issue.

On Tuesday morning after Bible study at the local nursing home I found myself sitting and talking with an incredible lady.  She began to share with me that she was a Methodist but loved us "baptists" anyway.  She told me that years ago she came to the baptist church and was herself a "baptist" but her husband, a "Methodist", attended the Methodist church.  This meant that through their marriage and child raising years they were trying to attend multiple churches.  One day when passing a church here in town her 7 year old son asked "what was going on at church?"  She explained it was a funeral and that when someone died they had a funeral for them at the church they belonged to.  Her son paused and then asked the most poignant question "Where would they have my funeral?"  He wasn't planning on dying, but out of the mouths of babes, he knew they had no church home.  That day she told her husband she would attend with him and they would worship together as a family.  She said she knew that had to commit to worshipping as a family together and that going from church to church was not the answer because she couldn't even answer her sons question.

This young boy gave significant insight to a family that was torn between church hopping and worshipping separately.  "Where would they bury me?"  This young man knew that he was not attached to any body of Christ truly.  I am certain they were accepted at both, but truly they were not dedicated to either.  No commitment to ministry, fellowship, etc...  No connection to the body.  But many who come to church, "join", and then never return.  They live their lives thinking "I'm saved" or "that's my church" even though they are completely disconnected from the fellowship of believers and show a complete disconnect from the word of God.  Perhaps they should ask themselves "Where would they do my funeral?"  The answer is simple - where are you a part of the body - connected, serving, growing, fellowshipping, praying, going, worshipping?  One cannot claim to be an active member of the gym if they are overweight and out of shape - their membership is only due to paying dues perhaps?  One cannot claim to be a member of a church apart from Christ and living according to His Word.

Being a Christian does not mean going to church, but that is part of it.  Tithing, coming to worship, Sunday School attendance, coming to fellowships, small groups, serving, etc... - these things does not a Christian make, but they are part of it.  We do them because we have been redeemed by a risen Savior.  We desire to commit and serve because we love the LORD and want to see His Kingdom work done here and we want to be a part of it.  Being a Christian starts with repentance of sin and grace alone in Christ alone through faith alone - everything else we do out of obedience and love, but make no mistake we are called to live it out, not pay lip service to it (in some part church hopping does just that, making a mockery of being a part of the body of Christ).  Church hopping, skipping, and jumping is not healthy for the church or the "christian".  This year commit to a body of Christ, an evangelical Bible believing church.  Commit to being a member but start with coming to Christ and following Him every day.  Do you know the answer?  Where would they have your funeral?


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