
1 Peter 2:9 (ESV) "...that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."

While leaving the care center yesterday I sat and talked with one of the residents.  She told me that when she was a little girl she was deathly afraid of lightening and storms at night.  One night when one particularly large thunderstorm was moving through she cried out for her mother.  When her mom came in the room she put her arms around her and said "Don't worry, it will be daylight soon."

The Bible is full of example of light and darkness.  Darkness is used to describe wickedness (Prov 2:13-14), Judgement (Exodus 10:21), death (Psalm 88:12), and separation from God (Matthew 22:13).  Darkness evokes thoughts of fear and isolation.  Children fear the night, they are scared of the darkness because everything is hidden and unseen.  Darkness describes our spiritual separation from God.  Isaiah 9:2 speaks of this darkness but it also speaks of hope that "Those in darkness have seen a great light."

John encapsulates the understanding that if darkness is the equivalent of death and separation then light is the incredible sign of hope.  John 1 illustrates that Christ, the True Light, has broken the darkness of this world and brought Light into darkness.  This Light is the light of life, it is Christ Jesus the Light of the world and darkness cannot overcome it (John 8:12).  No matter how dark the world becomes Christ reveals that His light, the perfect light, cannot be extinguished.  Though they tried on the cross t could not be put out.  Though the tried in the grave, three days later light broke through.

The promise of Christ that if He calls, if we repent, if we submit to Him, if we follow Him, His light will penetrate the very darkness of our life and illuminate it.  We will have no fear for perfect love casts out all fear (1 John 4:18).  It is not the promise of money, things, cures, or crisis remedies.  It is the promise that He will forgive and He will restore us with the Father and He will transform us into His image and our lives will no longer be our own but His.

Are you afraid today?  Trust in Christ, it will be daylight soon...


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