THE END IS NEAR... Over the years there has been no shortage of people predicting the end of the world. From the fears of Y2K, to Harold Camping, and the Mayan Apocalypse, there is always someone to step up and be the next prophet of doom. One of my favorite groups back in the 1980's was the band from Athens GA, R.E.M. Their hit "It's the end of the world as we know it" was catchy and fun. It jabbed at the excess of America and of course the end of the world. The lyrics made your head spin, as the masses attempted to sing along to the fast paced lyrical montage, yet everyone would sing the chorus... "It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine." So there are a few wondering if it will all come crashing to a stop tomorrow and everything will end. This does not disturb me as I trust Christ and know that if indeed today was the last day, it is with Him I would find shelter from the storm. My concern has always been with Christian...
Showing posts from 2012
Angry Atheism and Our Response
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Last night as I was relaxing and reading I ran across this nugget of an article in USA Today about Atheists attacking Christians (and in this case mormons as well). As I read it I had to chuckle through moments of righteous anger as it reminded me the world is and always will be opposed to the cross. Paul says as much to the church in Corinth when he writes "For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing..." ( 1 Corinthians 1:18 , NASB) But then I wake up to this article this morning about a water park that was giving discounts to church groups but not to anyone else. Again a group of atheists have gotten involved in the private sector demanding private owned companies to do their bidding or face lawsuits. It seems to me that many atheists are just plain angry and they are not afraid to let you know it. They are like the kid on the playground who wants attention and will do anything to garner it. They will put up billboards l...
You are what you...
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As a child the most dreaded phrase I could hear was "What are you eating? You know, you are what you eat." My biggest fear is that I would one day look like a pepsi and hershey bar. As genetics would have it I could easily eat like this and not gain a pound, all the way through from elementary through the military. It wasn't until college, post military, that this saying started to truly take form in my life, more importantly in my waistline. Last summer I was diagnosed with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy, a virus had attacked my heart and for the first time I truly began to understand "You are what you eat" and if I didn't change my habits wrong eating would be life ending, sooner rather than later. (Needless to say moving from Missouri to Texas took a toll on these changes but we are back on track as of today!) So in the end the food I eat will play a part in the life that I live here. Guess those folks who told me that as a kid weren't so ...
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Just a short note as I contemplate much today. I am preparing the final touches on Sunday mornings sermon out of Acts 6 & 7 looking at the Character of a Christian based on the life of Stephen. It has been compelling to me as it has caused me to look at my own life. Do I truly reflect Christ in Scripture, I mean truly reflect Him; not my opinion of Him, not what I think others see Him as, not what I want Him to be, but who He truly is in Scripture? As I have prepared I have read through a book written by Dan Crawford about the Wedgwood Church shootings in 1999. What a remarkable read, you can read it for free - (I would encourage you to take some time and read this - full of many who reflect Christlike Character.) I have also been pursuing the web and looking at how the world views Christians and also how Christians themselves view their character, it has been disturbing to...
Social Media and the Destruction of Evangelism
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In my most humble opinion I believe that social media can be an incredible means to present the gospel to a culture that is in dire need of Christ Jesus. But I fear that many are destroying the Gospel more than actually presenting it. People in mass are posting "I love the Bible" and "God loves you" along with a multitude of Bible verses yet the average Facebook poster, twitter user, etc can see if this is truly authentic or just another ruse. We did this in real life so we turned to social media and we are ruining it there as well. You know, professing Christ with our lips and living completely opposite - I call it Bi-Polar Christianity, which I would argue is not Christianity at all (see 1 John 1:5-7). I am reading more people showing their disgust towards this type of lifestyle than ever before, maybe they have a point? Maybe it's time those that claim Christ live like him authentically. Read Acts 19:15 and understand that the world, and Sata...
Would anyone care?
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WOULD ANYONE CARE? I have been reading through Darrin Patrick and Matt Carters book "For the City". It has been challenging and convicting to me as a pastor and leader. The question that has weighed on me most heavily as I have read this is, "If FBC Seminole shut it's doors, would anyone in Seminole know we were gone and would they even care?" This question was posed in chapter one by Matt Carter in regards to his own church in Austin Texas. Stop for a minute and ask yourself this question. Would anyone care if your church shut their doors for good, would they even notice? The answer is haunting and sad because for many of our churches the answer is that they wouldn't. Why is this happening? For many churches their concern is not the community around them and reaching them with the gospel but instead it is focused on programs, finances, and numbers. Nothing, by the way, is inherently wrong with these things but instead of these...
The Walk
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This week all over the country High School students will take "the walk", they will take the step from students living at home to young men and women entering the world. Some will head to college, others will start a career, and many will enter into the armed forces to serve. The opportunities seem limitless when your 18 years old and the world is your oyster with endless possibilities. Parents, like mother birds, watch their children leave the nest headed out into the unknown. we celebrate their achievements and watch them at one of the first big mile markers of their lives. My prayer as pastor is always that we have prepared them for this time. That they are ready to face the world through the lens of scripture and that Christ will be their focus. The desire from my standpoint is that we have taught them more then morals (do's and do nots), and shallow theology, but deep truths of scripture that lead and guide them out into the world. Ch...
Follow Me
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Matthew 4:19 And he [Christ] said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." (ESV) I remember hearing this call in my life. I was 9 and sitting in the front room of my parents home in Shelbina, MO. The youth pastor, Denny Daum, sat in the mustard colored swivel rocker and I on the footstool. I don't remember if it was spring or fall. I can't recall if it was sunny or cloudy. I can't remember if anyone else was present. But I remember in the moment of that conversation when I heard the call, the voice that pierces to the very core of who we are, the deep awakening of the dead man (or boy at the time) to come to life. In that moment of our conversation I realized I needed to repent and follow Christ Jesus. That walk ever since has been one of intrigue, difficulty, indelible grace, joy, peace, sorrow, grief, trial, tribulation, miracles, hope, and more than I would have ever imagined in my finite mind. When Christ call...
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1 Peter 2:9 (ESV) "...that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." While leaving the care center yesterday I sat and talked with one of the residents. She told me that when she was a little girl she was deathly afraid of lightening and storms at night. One night when one particularly large thunderstorm was moving through she cried out for her mother. When her mom came in the room she put her arms around her and said "Don't worry, it will be daylight soon." The Bible is full of example of light and darkness. Darkness is used to describe wickedness (Prov 2:13-14), Judgement (Exodus 10:21), death (Psalm 88:12), and separation from God (Matthew 22:13). Darkness evokes thoughts of fear and isolation. Children fear the night, they are scared of the darkness because everything is hidden and unseen. Darkness describes our spiritual separation from God. Isaiah 9:2 speaks of this da...
The Waiting Game
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Waiting..... I can be a very impatient person. I'm trying to sell a home that is 900 plus miles away and cannot be there to talk to potential buyers, to fix problems, to deal with my real estate agent, etc... Patience is difficult because waiting is hard... My brother in law was recently diagnosed with cancer and as they wait for test results I find myself impatient. You want to know what is wrong and what will be done and how long it will take and what the prognosis is and, well the ands go on and on. Waiting is down right problematic because even though we are in Christ our flesh wants immediate answers, results, etc... Before you chide me, Yes I know that patience is a fruit of the Spirit and as a Christian I am to bear this fruit, but I still find myself being impatient. Let me explain. As a pastor I look at the landscape of the church and see such potential. My human nature is to immediately jump to action and take control. ...
Leadership and Critics
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Whatever your thoughts are about the President of the United States one thing is certain, that has to be a lonely place. As the leader of the nation you are on stage for everyone to see 24 hours a day. When you are on vacation you are scrutinized for where you went, how you got there, and what you are doing. Every decision you make is analyzed and spun in multiple directions to feed the political masses along party lines. You may or may not agree or like the President, but the one thing I am certain of I wouldn't want that task. His role of leadership defines not only the nation but who he is as well. People much less qualified than the president constantly call him out, claim they can do better, and always reference all of the problems that he has not taken care of while diminishing anything good as mediocre at best. In todays world critics hide behind blogs, tweets, and Facebook profiles - criticizing without offering solution (or outrageous s...
Where will have my funeral?
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This Easter many people will head out to church services across America. Many will make their first of two or so appearances in Church for some reason or another. Many will come who have been out of the habit and many who are "testing" out a new church because they are unhappy with their present congregation (for whatever reason). Many come because they have been invited to attend Easter services and they have never attended church or haven't in many years. Whatever the reason they come and we are grateful for that on one hand but grieved on the other. Happy to see the body come together but sad that Hebrews 10:25 (not forsaking the fellowship of believers) is only important a few times a year. This week while sitting and talking with a precious saint I was given some unique insight regarding this issue. On Tuesday morning after Bible study at the local nursing home I found myself sitting and talking with an incredible lady. She began to share...
Imitational Living
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Real or imitation, that was always the debate on Memorial Day in our family. Dad despised imitation flowers and only fresh would do for him. That has stuck with me over the years and I too would rather have real flowers and plants rather than imitation. Yet I have been challenged to be imitation. Ephesians 5:1 says to imitate God. My actions and life should be a reflection of Him and no longer myself. I must live for Christ and walk worthy that others would see Him in me and that I might be an example to others. For once imitation is a good thing… So I pondered, “What does it mean to live for Christ?” “What does that look like?” Paul writes in Ephesians 4:1 that we are to “walk in a manner worthy of the calling which you have been called…”(ESV) This walk begins at the cross and it is the call to “run the race with endurance” (Hebrews 12:1) As Christians there are times we forget that we are saved by...
Getting Started
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On December 28th my family headed the call to GO and found ourselves in West Texas. We moved from the rolling hills of Northern Missouri, only a few hours from our families, and drove 14 hours to the flat plains of Seminole TX. God has an amazing way of calling us, taking us out of our comfort zone, shaking us up, and putting us where He desires to use us the most. When Lisa and I first started talking about God's call into the ministry in 2000, one of the most important conversations we had was always being obedient to what He would have us to do and where He would have us to go. We have moved from Kentucky back to Missouri and now out to Texas. All along the way we have seen His hand at work and like Paul there is only room to boast in the cross. My desire as a husband, father, and pastor is to love, lead and feed my family and the body of Christ equipping them (as Paul discusses in Ephesians 4) to do the work of ministry. As a pastor I fail when I am n...