Over the years there has been no shortage of people predicting the end of the world.  From the fears of Y2K, to Harold Camping, and the Mayan Apocalypse, there is always someone to step up and be the next prophet of doom.  One of my favorite groups back in the 1980's was the band from Athens GA, R.E.M.  Their hit "It's the end of the world as we know it" was catchy and fun.  It jabbed at the excess of America and of course the end of the world.  The lyrics made your head spin, as the masses attempted to sing along to the fast paced lyrical montage, yet everyone would sing the chorus... "It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine."

So there are a few wondering if it will all come crashing to a stop tomorrow and everything will end.  This does not disturb me as I trust Christ and know that if indeed today was the last day, it is with Him I would find shelter from the storm.  My concern has always been with Christians worrying about the end.  Their fears are either "Is it ending" or "When will it end".  I never understood why we get wrapped up in that when we are given specific commands to live out here, while we have time.  Now don't get me wrong Matthew 24 tells us to be aware of the signs, yet even in that it is not so we can say "yes the end has come" but to compel us into greater action.  Glory instead of gloom and doom.  (See Col 1:24)

In Acts 1:6-7, the disciples are asking Christ if He was about to restore the kingdom of Israel.  His answer was simple "It is not for you to know the times or epochs which the father has fixed by His own authority."  The disciples, like us, wanted to know when Jesus would restore all things.  Jesus responded telling them that they had no need of knowing the seasons and time of God's work, specifically when He would restore all things.  The word for time used is the greek word Kairos.  Kairos can deal with a short or long amount of time.  Instead of worrying about the time (Kairos) of God's restoration, they were to do God's work and become agents of His work - that is spreading the gospel of truth, see Acts 1:8.

As Christians we are not to fret and fear the end, for our fate is secured in Christ.  Normally our worry is more about friends, family, and unfortunately at times stuff.  When the end of the world is brought up we worry about not getting to do things we wanted, see people we wanted, etc...  Yet God warns us in scripture that there is a Kairos, a time, we should be concerned about.  That is the Kairos, the time we have now to do His work.  Our Kairos must not be spent wondering when the end comes but instead working that others know the God who saves still today.

Paul warns us in Ephesians 5:16 that we are to make the most of our Kairos, our time, because the days are evil.  He writes to the Colossians to conduct yourselves with wisdom toward those apart from Christ, making the most of our Kairos.  (Col 4:5)  You see our time is precious and it should not be wasted trying to guess when the end will come but instead we are to use the Kairos we have to be the agents of reconciliation we are called to be (2 Cor 5:18-20).  I am convinced and convicted that as Christians we have allowed the world to consume and dictate our Kairos instead of Christ.

Today I encourage all of us to use our time wisely.  Each of us has been given a set Kairos, a set time, to do the work of the ministry in Christ Jesus.  If the world ended today as Christians we should cry out "I feel fine" because our lives are hidden in Christ, He is our righteousness, it is in Him that we have the great hope of heaven.  But let us not go stand in front of our LORD and Father without knowing we used our time for His glory.  Instead of worry and fear, let us take the gospel out.  The gospel that brings hope and not a prophecy that offers hopelessness and fear.  Let us take out the gospel that redefines how our time is spent and transforms us to the very core.  And remember, only the Father knows when the end will come (Matt 24:36), no man or Mayan can outguess God.  Now go live and spend your Kairos for/with Him!


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