Is there any other way?

“I have been reading the Bible and recently I have found that there is more than one way to heaven.”  The man leading the Bible study at church smartly said to those that were listening.  “I have seen a greater way by which God saves and Jesus is just one of those ways by which God has ordained to save his creation.”  The class sat silently and in awe of this man who had taught them for many years.  The questions began “Did God really reveal this to him?”  “Is there really another way to God besides Jesus Christ?”  For years the class had been taught that Jesus was the only way and now one of their beloved teachers, along with a few others, was telling them that this was not the case.  They went home questioning and wondering about this new piece of evidence saying, “Can this really be true?”

Today there is an outbreak of the above happening in churches across America and this is nothing new, this pitch is as old as satan.  It is the greatest lie ever told and the unfortunate truth is that those telling this lie are being allowed to remain in their positions and many are being misled into the age-old adage that there is more than one way into heaven. Let’s deal with this in two ways – first is there more than one way and secondly is there another gospel message found in the Bible that one could read and find another way outside of God’s revealed Word.

First is there more than one way.  I will try to be clear, succinct, and short to make this point.  In Isaiah 7:14, one of many messianic prophecies (concerning the birth of Jesus), says “Therefore the LORD will give you a sign, Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel [God with us].”  (Bracketed information mine)  God promised to send His son, not sons, not multiple means or ways, but son whom will become the light in the darkness bringing great hope (Isaiah 9).  John chapter 1 reveals this transaction thoroughly as the Word becomes flesh and dwells among us, Immanuel.  No gospel (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John) presents Christ as anything other than the Messiah, sent by God, being God, to come and redeem.   So if God revealed Himself through His son Christ Jesus and no other, then it stands to reason this was sufficient.

Jesus bolsters this by saying, in John 14:6, that “I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.”  In John 6:44 Jesus bodly states “No one can come to me unless the Father draws them…”  Jesus clearly understood that there was no other way to the Father outside of Himself.  Peter and John, appearing before the council after being arrested, stated that there was NO OTHER name that men could call upon to be saved, only the name of Jesus (Acts 4:5-12).  The most powerful aspect of this verse was that Peter did not speak this of His own authority but under the authority of God’s Holy Spirit (Acts 4:8).  So why would God fill Peter with His Spirit and exclaim that Jesus is the only means to heaven if there was another?  In Numbers 23:19 & Hebrews 6:18 it is proclaimed by God that He cannot lie. If there was another way, scripture would reveal so, but it does not and any other way would make God a liar which is contrary to His nature.

Secondly is there another gospel that was given outside of scripture that allows for others to come into the Kingdom apart from God the Son, Christ Jesus?  In Galatians 1:6-9 Paul makes it clear that there is but ONE Gospel and that any other supposed gospel (multiple means to heaven) is accursed and a lie.  The lie of multiple ways to heaven and multiple gospels is a perversion that has existed for centuries to draw many away from the only Gospel that saves found in Christ Jesus.  Whoever teaches something other than the Gospel found in God’s inspired Word teaches something far apart from the true Gospel that saves which is “For God so loved the world that He send his ONE and ONLY Son that whosoever believes in HIM shall not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16, emphasis mine)  There is but ONE gospel because there is but ONE savior found in the word. 

Remember the words of Christ spoken to the church in Sardis in Revelation 3:3 “Remember then what you received and heard.  Keep it, and repent…”  IN Christ we have received the only means to the father, Christ Jesus.  This is why Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 5:21 “For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”  There is no other way, no other gospel, only Christ Jesus whom was crucified and risen to bring light and life to His creation that we might truly live.    


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