The Problem of Worry

I once heard it said that worry was nothing more than making a down payment on something that you will never own.  Since I was a kid I was making those down payments.  Throughout my childhood and into adulthood I worried about this, that, and everything in between.  I was, have been, and must say that I am a recovering worrier.  In the last year God has taught, and continues to teach me to stop the worry.  I have learned through the battle of cancer that truly I have no control and all the worry in the world won't change the fact that as I go through scans and tests, God is ultimately in the know and in control.  Our worry, strife, and anxiety accomplishes nothing except to make us feel sick.  Let me share what God has been teaching me in the last year.

Philippians 4:6 Paul writes "Don't worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God."  Paul tells the church in Philippi not to worry.  He tells a church that was facing persecution "Don't worry...".  I am certain that most of my worries are so minute and minuscule compared to what many others face.  I've worried about what people think, or what might happen, or what could be and God says "Don't worry".  As a matter of fact Peter says in 1 Peter 5:7 "casting all your care on Him, because He cares about you."  God clearly lets us know that worry is something we should move past in Him because He was overcome all things (John 16:33).

Peter and Paul both wrote to churches that faced great persecution and suffering.  They had all the reason in the world to worry, yet God says "I love you so much that you need to worry but talk to me about it."  I have learned that when I feel that anxiety creep in or worry begin to send that warm chill up my gut into my neck that I must stop and cast that up to the One that can handle it.  Instead of worry to stop, cast the care, give praise, and fully lean upon Christ.  This is an ongoing issue for me as I learn to do this more and more.  But I promise the more I practice the discipling of casting my cares the better it is.  It's not as if I don't care what my next cancer scan my hold but I know that One who holds me.  I don't have to worry because whatever may come, He is already in control.

Today you may need to cast your cares and stop worrying.  The problem of worry is that we become dependent upon our own abilities and what we can accomplish.  Worry is selfish and self centered because its like telling God "you really don't care and you really aren't in control."  Today take a moment to stop and pray.  Cast your cares.  Tell him whats troubling you.  Praise His great name and let the peace that surpasses understanding  overwhelm you instead (Ph 4:7).  Join me and become a recovering worrier and stop making payments on things that may never happen.  But what if they happen you might ask?  Remember, the God who breathed creation into existence and formed you in your mothers womb is still with you fully in control.  Cast your cares today!


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