Act Like Men

MAN UP Part 3 of 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 Why are there so few men left in the world? As a culture the growth from boyhood to manhood has taken a detour through the maze of adolescence; adolescence (as a word or descriptive phrase) was not even heard of or used in the development of children until the twentieth century and at that time was used to describe a child between the ages of 13 and 19, presumably the age of one in high school. Today, in stark contrast, some argue adolescence starts at the age of 10 and may not stop until the age of 24 or older. Even more shocking is that today more women are in colleges then men and boys are staying longer and longer in an adolescent state and fewer men are emerging. Perhaps today more than ever Christian young men need to be reminded to act like men, not boys, and certainly not adolescents, but men. Paul called out the men in church of Corinth and said ACT LIKE MEN. The understanding of the word ...