Just a short note as I contemplate much today. I am preparing the final touches on Sunday mornings sermon out of Acts 6 & 7 looking at the Character of a Christian based on the life of Stephen. It has been compelling to me as it has caused me to look at my own life. Do I truly reflect Christ in Scripture, I mean truly reflect Him; not my opinion of Him, not what I think others see Him as, not what I want Him to be, but who He truly is in Scripture? As I have prepared I have read through a book written by Dan Crawford about the Wedgwood Church shootings in 1999. What a remarkable read, you can read it for free - (I would encourage you to take some time and read this - full of many who reflect Christlike Character.) I have also been pursuing the web and looking at how the world views Christians and also how Christians themselves view their character, it has been disturbing to...